  • The meters can discover hidden walls and help detect contraband; 105 fibrescopes, used at major border and marine ports to view areas that are inaccessible by the naked eye due to obstructions; 19 submersible pole cameras, used at marine ports and major commercial border crossings to inspect ships, containers and tractor trailers; 23 miniature pole cameras, used at major international airports to inspect aircrafts; Over 100 laser range finders, used to measure the inside of commercial containers; and, Over 100 mirror kits, used to inspect the undercarriage of vehicles and other hard to reach areas.
    • 12 نظاما متحركا للكشف عن العربات والبضائع، تعمل بأشعة غاما، تُستخدم للكشف عن الأسلحة وغيرها من البنود الخطرة المهرّبة، والحاويات البحرية، وعربات السكك الحديدية والشاحنات؛