تجل {التّجَلّي}
  • Certain things have come to light, and...
    ..لقد ظهرت بعض الأشياء و
  • New shit has come to light.
    ظهرت أشياء جديدة
  • Some new evidence has come to light.
    لقد ظهرت أدلة جديدة
  • A new fact has come to light.
    حقيقه جديده ظهرت
  • The truth has come to light...
    ...الحقيقة قد ظهرت
  • So it will never come to light.
    وهكذا فطفلي لن يرى النور
  • It means we've come to light.
    هذا يعني أننا إنكشفنا
  • Certain things have come to light and...
    ..لقد ظهرت بعض الأشياء و
  • New information has come to light
    كيف يأخذون القضية منّا؟
  • Some uncomfortable evidence has come to light.
    ثمة أدلة غير مريحة ظهرت للضوء