  • • Exhibition of false light, mark or buoy to mislead any navigation (Section 241)
    • إظهار أي أضواء أو علامات أو طافيات زائفة لتضليل أي عملية ملاحية (المادة 241)
  • Association franco-monégasque d'astronomie: Its purpose is “to make astronomy and the sciences in general more popular, to organize viewing sessions at the Saint Martin de Peille private astrophysics observatory, to publish a newsletter for members of the Association and to cooperate with other astronomy associations”; Association monégasque d'études et de repérages subaquatiques: In order to contribute to better understanding of the sub-aquatic world, its purpose is “to develop and promote by all available means in the Principality efforts to locate, record and mark with buoys all underwater sites of scientific and/or cultural interest, and in particular those of geomorphological and historical interest; to promote the study and development of such places; and to help protect and clean up communal areas”; Association monégasque de préhistoire: Its purpose is “to promote research in and the popularization of prehistory (quaternary geology, human palaeontology, archaeology) and the supporting disciplines: biology (evolution of proteins), physics (dating methods), applied mathematics (statistics), and so on”; Association pour le développement des recherches scientifiques: Its purpose is “to serve as correspondent in the Principality for the Weizmann Institute of Science, which is devoted to research and teaching the natural sciences”; Institut d'études politiques méditerranéennes: Its purpose is “to be a centre for the receipt and presentation of scientific research and studies concerning all matters relating to the life of the Mediterranean”.
    جمعية موناكو لدراسات عصر ما قبل التاريخ: وهي تهدف إلى: "تشجيع جهود البحث والنشر في دراسات ما قبل التاريخ (جيولوجيا العصر الرابع وعلم المستحاثات البشرية وعلم الآثار) وفي العلوم المؤيِّدة، وهي: علم الأحياء (تطور البروتينات)، والفيزياء (أساليب تحديد التواريخ)، والرياضيات التطبيقية (الإحصاء)، وما إليها.