I ask all delegations to remain in their seats for the ceremony in order to congratulate and encourage our junior colleagues.
وأرجو من جميع الوفود أن تظل في مقاعدها أثناء الاحتفال لتهنئة زملائنا الشباب وتشجيعهم.
The Special Representative is informed that these ceremonies were performed in order to grant waivers from prosecution for crimes previously committed to 15 armed robbers and a similar number of brothel owners.
وعلم الممثل الخاص أن هذين الاحتفالين قد أُقيما من أجل التنازل عن مقاضاة 15 لصا مسلحاً وعدد مماثل من مالكي بيوت الدعارة على جرائم مرتكبة سابقا.
Observance of Human Rights Day, 10 December Adoption and implementation of a decentralization policy conducive to the establishment of a true grass-roots democracy and to public participation in the management of community affairs Constructive dialogue with partners in the area of promotion and protection of human rights Establishment of community surveillance mechanisms to prevent child trafficking Organization of group marriage ceremonies in order to legalize customary and religious marriages Initiation of the process of incorporating content relating to human rights, the culture of peace, democracy and citizenship in formal and informal educational programmes Conclusion of a solidarity agreement for growth and development between the Government and social partners Establishment in 2003 of the Office of the Auditor General, a genuine oversight body, independent of all public authorities, which is responsible for strengthening the administrative machinery for combating corruption and financial and economic crime Training for parajurists and creation of information, counselling and legal aid centres for poor women Programme of distribution of free grain to disadvantaged populations Establishment of grain banks in various communities
- إنشاء وظيفة المراقب العام في عام 2003، وهي مؤسسة مستقلة عن كل السلطات تمارس رقابة حقيقية وتعنى بتعزيز النظام الإداري لمكافحة الفساد والجريمة المالية والاقتصادية؛