I can do a septoplasty. You taught me a septoplasty.
.يمكنني القيام بعملية الرأب .لقد علمتني كيف أقوم بالرأب
You taught me a septoplasty.
.يمكنني القيام بعملية الرأب .لقد علمتني كيف أقوم بالرأب
And I know how to do a septoplasty.
.وأعرف طريقة القيام بالرأب
Oh, I'm not comfortable with that. I can do a septoplasty.
.انا لست مرتاحة لذلك
Plus, Mr Blair had nasal polypectomies and septoplasty and his loss of smell is caused by manipulation of his sinuses and the infection, so I didn't make a mistake, and you were wrong when you said, "Nice going, Newbie."
إضافةً، أن السيد "بلير" كان لديه حاجز أنفي، ولحمية زائدة وفقدانه لحاسة الشم سببه تلاعب جيوبه وأنت كنت مخطئاً ."عندما قلت، "أداء جميل، أيها المستجد
Plus, Mr Blair had nasal polypectomies and septoplasty and his loss of smell is caused by manipulation of his sinuses and the infection, so I didn't make a mistake, and you were wrong when you said, "Nice going, Newbie."
لا ادين لكما بتفسير ذلك لا تدين لنا بتفسير - قولي له الحقيقه يا عزيزتي - أنت مدين لنفسك بهذا
Plus, Mr Blair had nasal polypectomies and septoplasty and his loss of smell is caused by manipulation of his sinuses and the infection, so I didn't make a mistake, and you were wrong when you said, "Nice going, Newbie."
اذا تركت هذه المستشفيه و علي درايه بشيء واحد و هناك فرصه جيده لحدوث هذا ليكن هذا الشي هو
I have 17 canceled surgeries, all of whom are screaming bloody murder, a cholecystectomy with abdominal pain, a septoplasty with profound sinus inflammation, and an acute pheochromocytoma with a migraine.
لديّ 17 عمليّة قد تم إلغائها و جميعهم يصرخون بسبب الألم المدمي استئصال المرارة مع ألم في البطن