But before that, we made a dental impression
لكن قبل ذلك ، قمنا بعمل طباعة للأسنان
So we have our killer's dental impressions, but there's no database to compare them to.
إذًا لديّنا إنطاباعات ،أسنان قاتلنا لكن ليس هناك قاعدة بيانات لمقارنتهم به
The extent of the burns made normal identification impossible, so dental impressions were taken.
حروقهم جعلت معرفتنا بهم مستحيلة لذا استدعنا بسجلات الاسنان
We've taken DNA samples and dental impressions, but without something to compare them to, it's going to be difficult.
لقد قمنا بأخد عينات الحمض النووي ،وسجلات الأسنان ،لكن بدون أي شيء لمقارنتها به .سيكون الأمر صعبا
Yeah, and we have to inventory Rocket J's stomach to confirm its contents, but initial dental impressions suggest that his last meal was Sayers' soft tissues.
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