Otherwise, they can be...unruly. Trust me.
و إلا سيكونون عنداء - ثق بي -
Other than being the sound an unruly puppy makes... what exactly is a yip?
ما عدا وجود الصوتِ طرازات جرو منفلتةِ. . . ماذا بالضبط a يَصْرخُ؟
(d) Section 7 of the Juvenile Court Act stipulates that a juvenile can be detained in “any place of safety, including a prison” if he/she is deemed to be “of such an unruly character or so depraved a character”; and
(د) أنّ البند 7 من قانون قضاء الأحداث ينصّ على أنه يمكن احتجاز الأحداث "في أي مكان آمن، بما في ذلك السجن" إذا ما اعتبروا " صعاب المراس أو عديمي الشعور"؛
In this connection Giorgio Gaja cites two reservations added on 26 October 1976 by the Federal Republic of Germany to its instrument of ratification (dated 2 August 1976) of the Convention of 1954 relating to the Status of Stateless Persons (cf. Multilateral treaties deposited with the Secretary-General , vol. I, p. 279, note 4) and observes that the Secretary-General's position that, in the absence of any objection, the reservations could be deemed to have been made on the date of ratification was “questionable, as the instrument of ratification could not be withdrawn” (Giorgio Gaja, “Unruly Treaty Reservations”, in Le droit international à l'heure de sa codification — Études en lhonneur de Roberto Ago, Milan, Giuffrè, 1987, vol. I, p. 311).
ويلاحظ أن موقف الأمين العام القائل بإمكانية اعتبار التحفظات وكأنها أُبديت في تاريـــخ التصديــــق إذا لم يوجـــد اعتراض على ذلك “questionable, as the instrument of ratification could not be withdrawn” (موقف مشكوك فيه، نظرا لأن وثيقة التصديق لا يمكن سحبها) (Giorgio Gaija, “Unruly Treaty Reservations”, in le droit international a l'heure de sa codification - Étude en l'honneur de Roberto Ago, Milan, Giuffrè, 1987, tome I, p.