Charlie is upstairs lighting the coals. Can I get you something to drink?
تشارلي) في الطابق العلوي يشعل الفحم) أيمكنني أن أحضر لكِ شيئاً للشرب؟
I can't get these damn coals to light.
لا يمكنني إشعال هذا الفحم.
Central Illinois Light Company v. Consolidation Coal Company, United States District Court for the Central District of Illinois, Peoria Division, 30 December 2002, Federal Supplement, 2nd Series, vol. 235, p. 916.
الولايات المتحدة، قضيةCentral Illinois Light Company v. Consolidation Coal Company, United States District Court for the Central District of Illinois, Peoria Division, 30 December 2002, Federal Supplement, 2nd Series, vol. 235, p.