Our collective action must reflect, too, our need for it to adapt to the demands of the 21st century and the conviction of the extent of the positive yield which a united Arab position and effective, united Arab action will have within the regional balances in constant flux around us, and which an active Arab presence in international organizations will have in establishing our credibility as a cohesive bloc with common interests for which it strives and clear positions and visions which enable it to deal properly and effectively with all international issues and developments.
(∗∗∗) تلقت الأمانة العامة بتاريخ 20/6/2007 مذكرة من المندوبية الدائمة لمملكة البحرين بشأن اقتراح عقد استضافة الدورة الثالثة للاجتماع الوزاري لمنتدى التعاون العربي الصيني يومي 20-21/5/2008 على أن يسبقه اجتماع لكبار المسؤولين بتاريخ 19/5/2008.