Their upper (covering) will be green clothes of sarcenet and brocade, and they are ornamented with bracelets of silver, and their Lord will give them to drink a drink most pure.
عاليهم ثياب سندس خضر وإستبرق وحلوا أساور من فضة وسقاهم ربهم شرابا طهورا
Those will have (as their recompense) Gardens of Adn (Eden) (where) Rivers run from beneath them. They will be ornamented therein with bracelets of gold, and they will wear green clothes of sarcenet and brocade, reclining therein upon couches. How favorable is the requital, and how fair is (it as) a resting-place!
أولئك لهم جنات عدن تجري من تحتهم الأنهار يحلون فيها من أساور من ذهب ويلبسون ثيابا خضرا من سندس وإستبرق متكئين فيها على الأرائك نعم الثواب وحسنت مرتفقا