O you who have believed, do not kill the game (while) you are in pilgrim sanctity; (i.e., in the sacred precints or in the sanctified) and whoever of you kills it premeditatedly, then the recompense is the like of what he has killed, in (grazing) livestock as shall be judged by two men of justice (Literally: possessing "a sense of" justice) among you, an offering to reach the Kacbah, or expiation food for indigent persons, or the just equivalent of that in fasting, so that he may taste the pernicious result of His Command. (i.e. the Command of Allah) Allah has been clement towards what is bygone; and whoever goes back (to offense), then Allah will take vengeance on him; and Allah is Ever-Mighty, Owner of vengeance.
يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا تقتلوا الصيد وأنتم حرم ومن قتله منكم متعمدا فجزاء مثل ما قتل من النعم يحكم به ذوا عدل منكم هديا بالغ الكعبة أو كفارة طعام مساكين أو عدل ذلك صياما ليذوق وبال أمره عفا الله عما سلف ومن عاد فينتقم الله منه والله عزيز ذو انتقام