to accost [ accosted ; accosted ]
Sorry for accosting you.
آسف لإيقافك
This man accosted me!
هذا الرجلِ تَحرّشَ بي!
We were accosted again.
لقد تم التحرش بنا مجدداً
This man accosted me!
!هذا الرجلِ تَحرّشَ بي
We were accosted.
قد كنا قريبين
Well, they always accost me.
.دومًا يقصدونني
I'm sorry to accost you here.
أسف لمقاطعتك هنا
Then why did she accost you?
لمَ بادرت بالتحدّث معك إذن؟
You are all witnesses! He accosted me!
أنتم كُلكمّ شهود! تَحرّشَ بي!
You are all witnesses! He accosted me!
أنت كُلّ الشهود! تَحرّشَ بي!