declension [pl. declensions]
Though your declension needs a little work.
اعتقد ان اسماء الصرف عندك تحتاج قليل من العمل
Which done, she took the fruits of my advice... ...and he, repulsed-- A short tale to make. --fell into a sadness, then into a fast... ...thence to a watch, thence into a weakness... ...thence to a likeness, by this declension, into the madness wherein now he raves... ...and we wail for.
وقد أطاعت ،وحفظت وصاياي ونصائحي ولكنــه ،وكردة فعــل ،غرق في حزن عميق وثم إلى صيــام طويل ثم إلى ذهول وثم إلى ضعف و وهن