İlgili Sonuçlar
wetting (adj.)
moist (adj.) , [ moister/more moist ; moistest/most moist]
damp (adj.)
dabble (adj.)
wet (adj.) , [ wetter ; wettest]
sweaty (adj.) , [ sweatier ; sweatiest]
humid (adj.) , [ more humid ; most humid ]
wetted (adj.)
wettish (adj.)
woosy (adj.)
sodden (adj.) , [ more sodden ; most sodden ]
sweaty (adj.) , {biol.}
sweating (adj.) , {biol.}
perspiring (adj.) , {account.}
to process (v.) , {econ.}
عامَلَ {أَثْناءَ الصُّنْع إلخ}، {اقتصاد}
to work (v.)
عامل {أثْناءَ الصّنْعِ إلخ}
to negotiate (v.) , [ negotiated ; negotiated ] , {econ.}
عامل {اقتصاد}
free agent {relig.}
actor (n.) , [pl. actors] , {econ.}
عامل {اقتصاد}