to thunder [ thundered ; thundered ] , {Meteor.}
رعد {طقس}
to thunder [ thundered ; thundered ]
thunder {Meteor.}
رعد {طقس}
قصف {الرّعْدِ إلخ}
thunder {sounds}, {Meteor.}
رَعَدَ {طقس}
Risultati Correlati
thunder- (adj.) , {sounds}
Risultati Simili
thunderer (n.) , [pl. thunderers]
thunderous (adj.) , [ more thunderous ; most thunderous ]
مدو {المُدَوّي}
thundering (adj.) , [ more thundering ; most thundering ]
thunderous (adj.) , [ more thunderous ; most thunderous]
thunderous (adj.) , [ more thunderous ; most thunderous ]
thunderous (adj.) , [ more thunderous ; most thunderous ]
thundering (adj.) , [ more thundering ; most thundering]