static resource (n.) , {comp.}
مورد ثابت {كمبيوتر}
Risultati Correlati
static (adj.) , [ more static ; most static]
static (adj.) , [ more static ; most static]
static (adj.) , [ more static ; most static]
static (adj.) , [ more static ; most static] , {relig.}
سكوني {دين}
static (adj.) , [ more static ; most static]
static (adj.) , {fis.}
to be static (v.)
static (n.) , {electricity}
static (n.) , {electricity}
static (n.) , {electricity}
static (adj.) , {fis.}
ثَابِت {فزياء}
static (adj.) , {relig.}
شواش {تشويش إذاعي سببه اضطراب كهربائية الجو}
static (adj.) , [ more static ; most static ]
static (adj.) , [ more static ; most static ]
static (adj.) , [ more static ; most static ] , {ind.}
ساكن {صناعة}
resource (n.) , [pl. resources] , {econ.}
مصدر {اقتصاد}
resource {fulness}