Risultati Correlati
to seek the help or aid or assistance of (v.) , {ask for, appeal for, call for}
استجار {بِـ}
thine {ling.}
thee {ling.}
أنت {لغة}
to worship (v.) , [ worshipped / worshiped {Am.} ; worshipped / worshiped {Am.} ]
to worship (v.) , {ing}, [ worshipped / worshiped {Am.} ; worshipped / worshiped {Am.} ]
to worship (v.) , [ worshipped / worshiped {Am.} ; worshipped / worshiped {Am.} ]
to worship (v.) , [ worshipped / worshiped {Am.} ; worshipped / worshiped {Am.} ]
to worship (v.) , [ worshipped / worshiped {Am.} ; worshipped / worshiped {Am.} ]
worship (n.) , {relig.}
worship {relig.}
worship (n.) , [pl. Worships]
worship (n.) , [pl. Worships] , {ing}
worship (n.) , [pl. Worships] , {relig.}
عبادة {دين}
worship (n.) , {relig.}
to worship (v.) , {God}, [ worshipped / worshiped {Am.} ; worshipped / worshiped {Am.} ]
worship {relig.}
worship (n.) , [pl. Worships] , {relig.}
سجود {دين}
to worship (v.)