Risultati Correlati
substitute (adj.) , {ling.}
substitutive (adj.) , {ling.}
alternative (adj.) , {ling.}
substitution neurosis {obsessive-compulsive neurosis}, {med.}
عُصابٌ اسْتِبْدالِيّ {عَصابٌ وَسْواسِيٌّ قَهْرِيّ}، {طب}
substitution isomerism {position isomerism}, {med.}
تَصاوُغٌ اسْتِبْدالِيّ {تَصاوُغٌ مَوضِعِيّ}، {طب}
substitution bone {cartilage bone}, {med.}
عَظْمٌ اسْتِبْدالِيّ {عَظْمٌ غُضْروفِيّ}، {طب}
imprest (n.) , {econ.}
قرض {اقتصاد}
to eat into (v.)
to versify (v.)
to cut off (v.)
to cut (v.)
to wear away (v.)
to eat (v.) , {away}
to perforate (v.)
to bore (v.)
to pierce (v.)
to poetize (v.)
accounting {econ.}
قَرْضٌ {اقتصاد}
debt {med.}
قَرْض {طب}