Risultati Correlati
to inveigle (v.)
to gull (v.)
to lure (v.)
to entice (v.)
to beguile (v.)
to deceive (v.)
to dupe (v.)
to take in (v.)
to cheat (v.)
chelator {med.}
خالِب {طب}
to blandish (v.)
attractive (adj.) , [ more attractive ; most attractive ]
to coax (v.)
to wheedle (v.)
to cajole (v.)
to deal (v.)
to handle (v.)
عامل {أثْناءَ الصّنْعِ إلخ}
to manipulate (v.)
عامل {أثْناءَ الصّنْعِ إلخ}
actor (n.) , [pl. actors] , {econ.}
عامل {اقتصاد}
to work (v.)
عامل {أثْناءَ الصّنْعِ إلخ}
agent (adj.) , [pl. agents] , {econ.}
عامل [ج. عوامل] ، {اقتصاد}
operative (adj.) , [pl. operatives] , {econ.}
عامل {اقتصاد}
proletarian (n.) , [pl. proletarians] , {econ.}
عامل {اقتصاد}
serviceman (n.) , [pl. servicemen] , {econ.}
عامل {اقتصاد}
to serve (v.) , [ served ; served ] , {econ.}
عامل {اقتصاد}
factor W {biotin}, {med.}
عامِل W {بَيوتِين}، {طب}