false zero {arch.}
Risultati Correlati
ostensible (adj.) , [ more ostensible ; most ostensible]
ostensive (adj.) , [ more ostensive ; most ostensive]
unreal (adj.) , [ more unreal ; most unreal ]
assumed (adj.) , [ more assumed ; most assumed ]
mythological (n.) , {sto.}
color cast (n.) , {comp.}
لون غير حقيقي {كمبيوتر}
jaundice (n.) , {med.}
صفر {مرض}، {طب}
love (n.) , [pl. loves]
naught (n.)
nil (n.)
to except (v.)
Ascaris {med.}
الصَّفَر {طفيليات}، {طب}
to hiss (v.) , {sounds}, [ hissed ; hissed ]
ascarid {med.}
صَفَر {طفيليات من الممسودات}، {طب}
devoid (adj.) , {of}
to tootle (v.) , {sounds}
starvation (n.) , {relations}
to whistle (v.) , {sounds}, [ whistled ; whistled ]