transition cell {elett.}
خلية تحول {إلكتروليتي}، {كهرباء}
Risultati Correlati
alteration (n.) , [pl. alterations]
turnabout (n.) , [pl. turnabouts]
turnover (n.) , [pl. turnovers]
to alter (v.) , [ altered ; altered ]
to change (v.) , [ changed ; changed ]
to divert (v.) , [ diverted ; diverted ]
to mutate (v.) , [ mutated ; mutated ]
to renounce (v.) , [ renounced ; renounced ]
to transmute (v.) , [ transmuted ; transmuted ]
transmutation (n.) , [pl. transmutations] , {geol.}
تحول {جيولوجيا}
transfer (n.) , [pl. transfers] , {ence}
change (n.) , [pl. changes]
to shunt (v.) , {elett.}
تحول {كهرباء}
diversion (n.) , [pl. diversions]
evolution (n.) , [pl. evolutions]
mutagenicity {med.}
تحول {تبدل}، {طب}
inconstancy (n.) , [pl. inconstancies]