meteorite [pl. meteorites] , {astron.}
حجر نيزكي {فضاء وعلوم طيران}
meteorite [pl. meteorites]
Risultati Correlati
meteoric (adj.) , [ more meteoric ; most meteoric ]
meteorite (n.) , [pl. meteorites]
meteor shower {astron.}
انهمار نيزكي {فضاء وعلوم طيران}
to petrify (v.) , [ petrified ; petrified ]
حجر {على}
to detain (v.)
حجر {على}
to restrain (v.)
حجر {على}
to ban (v.) , [ banned ; banned ]
to concrete (v.) , [ concreted ; concreted ]
to congeal (v.) , [ congealed ; congealed ]
to forbid (v.) , {from}, [ forbade / forbad ; forbidden ]
حجر {على}
to harden (v.) , [ hardened ; hardened ]
taboo (n.) , [pl. taboos]
حجر {على}
حجر {على}
placing someone under guardianship {after declaring him legally incompetent}
حجر {على}
حجر {على}
to indurate (v.)
حجر {على}
to stiffen (v.)
to solidify (v.)
lap (n.) , [pl. laps] , {ant.}
حجر {تشريح}