xeric [ more xeric ; most xeric]
Risultati Correlati
blunt (adj.)
yahoo (n.) , {relations}
جافٍ {الجافِي}
angular (adj.)
جاف {الجافِي}
plug-ugly (n.)
جافٍ {الجافِي}
gross (adj.)
جاف {الجافِي}
wild (adj.) , [ wilder ; wildest]
arid (adj.) , [ arider/more arid ; aridest/most arid ]
to decay (v.)
to rot (v.)
boorish (adj.)
جاف {الجافِي}
unmannered (adj.)
جافٍ {الجافِي}
boring (adj.)
sterile (adj.)
futile (adj.)
churlish (adj.)
جاف {الجافِي}
uncharity (adj.)
boor (n.)
جاف {الجافِي}
anhydrous (adj.) , [ more anhydrous ; most anhydrous ]
unceremonious (adj.) , [ more unceremonious ; most unceremonious]
harsh (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}, [ harsher ; harshest]
جافٍ {الجافِي}
dull (adj.) , [ duller ; dullest]
to putrefy (v.)