Risultati Correlati
to recognize (v.) , {educ.}
فَهِمَ {تعليم}
to teach (v.)
to discern (v.)
to apprehend (v.) , {feelings & emotions}, {educ.}
فهم {تعليم}
to apt (v.)
to agile (v.)
to acute (v.)
to realize (v.) , {feelings & emotions}, {educ.}
فَهِمَ {تعليم}
to learn (v.) , {about}
to know (v.) , {of}, {psic.}
فَهِمَ {علم نفس}
to ken (v.)
to hear (v.) , {of}
to find (v.)
to brain (v.)
to conceive (v.) , {med.}
فهم {طب}
to figure out (v.)
uptake (n.) , [pl. uptakes]
understanding (n.) , [pl. understandings]
realization (n.) , [pl. realizations]
to understand (v.) , {feelings & emotions}, [ understood ; understood ] , {med.}
فهم {طب}
to underget (v.)
to comprehend (v.) , [ comprehended ; comprehended ] , {educ.}
فهم {تعليم}