Résultats connexes
متصاب {المُتَصَابِي}
pleasures (n.) , [sing. a pleasure]
صغير {السّنّ}
youthful (adj.) , [ more youthful ; most youthful ]
youthful (adj.) , [ more youthful ; most youthful ]
youthful (adj.) , [ more youthful ; most youthful ]
youthful (adj.) , [ more youthful ; most youthful ]
youthful (adj.) , [ more youthful ; most youthful]
youthful (adj.) , [ more youthful ; most youthful]
شاب {صفة}
youthful (adj.) , [ more youthful ; most youthful]
youthful (adj.) , [ more youthful ; most youthful ]
youthful (adj.) , [ more youthful ; most youthful ]
incline {Med.}
يَميل {طب}
to incline (v.)
to incline (v.)
to incline (v.)