Aucune traduction exact pour
نهج إصلاحي

Résultats connexes
reformist (n.) , [pl. reformists]
reformatory (adj.) , {Compta.}
إصلاحي {محاسبة}
corrective (adj.) , {Compta.}
إصلاحي {محاسبة}
remedial (adj.) , [ more remedial ; most remedial]
reformative (adj.) , [ more reformative ; most reformative]
reparative (adj.) , [ more reparative ; most reparative ]
rehabilitative (adj.) , [ more rehabilitative ; most rehabilitative ]
minimalist (n.) , [pl. minimalists]
حزب إصلاحي {سياسة}
to follow (v.)
to pursue (v.)
to take (v.)
to enter upon (v.)
to clarify (v.)
to be plain (v.)
policy (n.) , {Infor.}
نهج {كمبيوتر}
to make clear (v.)