Résultats connexes
seizure (n.) , [pl. seizures] , {Droit}
قبض {قانون}
to arrest (v.) , [ arrested ; arrested ]
de-clutch {tech.}
فك القبض {تقنية}
to catch (v.) , [ caught ; caught ]
to constrict (v.) , [ constricted ; constricted ]
to crumple (v.)
to contort (v.)
receiving (n.)
قبض {المالِ إلخ}
to take (v.)
to grapple (v.)
to receive (v.)
capture (n.) , [pl. captures]
catch (n.) , [pl. catches] , {ing}
قبض {البَطْنِ أو الأمْعاءِ}
constriction (n.) , [pl. constrictions]
to clasp (v.)
seizing (n.) , {Droit}
قَبْض {قانون}
stypsis {Med.}
قَبْض {طب}
to seize (v.)
قَبَضَ {الشّيْءَ أو عَلَيْه}
to grab (v.)
قَبَضَ {الشّيْءَ أو عَلَيْه}