to clothe {clothing}, [ clad / clothed ; clad / clothed ]
to clothe [ clad / clothed ; clad / clothed ]
to clothe [ clad / clothed ; clad / clothed ]
to clothe [ clad / clothed ; clad / clothed ]
to clothe {clothing}
to clothe {clothing}
Resultados relevantes
لبس {مَلاَبِسَهُ, ثِيَابَهُ إلخ}
to clothe oneself in (v.) , {a garment, gown, etc.}
to clothe oneself in (v.) , {a garment, gown, etc.}
Resultados similares
clothed (adj.) , {clothing}
مُرْتَدٍ {المُرْتَدِي}
clothes (n.) , {clothing}, Pl.
clothed (adj.) , {clothing}
clothed (adj.) , {clothing}
clothes (n.) , {clothing}, Pl.