No se encontró una traducción exacta para
لون تحذيري

Resultados relevantes
exhortative (adj.) , {relations}
exemplary (adj.) , [ more exemplary ; most exemplary]
hortative (adj.) , [ more hortative ; most hortative]
exhortatory (adj.) , {relations}
cautionary (adj.) , [ more cautionary ; most cautionary ]
cerise (n.) , {colours}
carroty (adj.) , {colours}
color (n.) , [pl. colors] , {colours}, {chem.}
لون {كمياء}
to colorize (v.) , [ colorized ; colorized ]
to colorate (v.)
brunet (adj.) , {colours}
dark (adj.) , {colours}
colorant (n.) , {colours}
cerulean (adj.) , {colours}
mauve (n.) , {colours}
tincture (n.) , {chem.}
لَوْن {كمياء}
coaly (adj.)
to tinge (v.) , [pl. tinges] , {colours}