Resultados relevantes
matter (n.) , [pl. matters]
pus (n.) , {med.}
صديد {طب}
purulence (n.) , [pl. purulences]
tow {transport.}
سَحَبَ {نقل}
to repeal (v.) , [ repealed ; repealed ]
withdrawal (n.) , [pl. withdrawals]
to draw back (v.)
to trailer (v.) , {transport.}
سَحَبَ {نقل}
towage (n.) , {transport.}
سَحْب {نقل}
to schlep (v.) , [ schlepped ; schlepped ]
to skitter (v.)
entrainment {chem.}
سحب {كمياء}
to wrest (v.) , [ wrested ; wrested ]
to drag along (v.)
to trail along (v.) , {on the ground}
to tug (v.)
revulsion (n.) , [pl. revulsions]
retraction (n.) , [pl. retractions] , {ind.}
سحب {صناعة}
to withdraw (v.) , [ withdrew ; withdrawn ]
to call back (v.)
to draw off (v.)
to win (v.) , {mining & minerals}
draft (n.) , [pl. drafts] , {ing}, {econ.}
السحب {اقتصاد}
cancellation (n.) , [pl. cancellations]