Resultados relevantes
plentiful (adj.) , [ more plentiful ; most plentiful ]
uberous (adj.)
abundant (adj.) , [ more abundant ; most abundant ]
bountiful (adj.) , [ more bountiful ; most bountiful]
great (adj.) , [ greater ; greatest]
copious (adj.) , [ more copious ; most copious]
rich mixture {Auto.}
خليط وفير {سيارات}
increment (n.) , [pl. increments]
revenue (n.) , {s}
to return (v.) , [ returned ; returned ]
pay off {econ.}
ربح {اقتصاد}
income (n.) , [pl. incomes]
payoff (n.) , [pl. payoffs]
benefit (n.) , [pl. benefits]
crop (n.)
to earn (v.)
to reap (v.)
to attain (v.)
to acquire (v.)