mastic {nutr.}
mastic {med.}
related Results
mastic asphalt {Pet. Eng.}
إسفلت عللك {هندسة بترولية}
similar Results
mastiche {mastic}, {med.}
to masticate (v.) , [ masticated ; masticated ]
masticate {med.}
to masticate (v.) , [ masticated ; masticated ] , {nutr.}
لاك {تغذيه}
to masticate (v.) , [ masticated ; masticated ] , {nutr.}
علك {تغذيه}
to masticate (v.) , [ masticated ; masticated ] , {nutr.}
مضغ {تغذيه}
masticable (adj.) , [ more masticable ; most masticable ]
masticatory (n.) , {nutr.}
عِلْك {تغذيه}
mastication (n.) , [pl. mastications]
masticating {med.}
ماضِغ {طب}
masticatory (adj.) , {nutr.}
مَضْغِيّ {تغذيه}
mastication (n.) , [pl. mastications] , {feelings & emotions}
masticatory (n.) , {nutr.}
مَضِيغَة {تغذيه}
mastication (n.) , {feelings & emotions}
mastication spasm {trismus}, {med.}
تَشَنُّجُ المَضْغ {ضَزَز}، {طب}