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radiotherapy (n.) , [pl. radiotherapies]
radiotherapy (n.) , [pl. radiotherapies] , {med.}
to arc (v.) , {shapes}
arc {elect.}
قوس كهربائي {كهرباء}
arc {Geom.}
قطاع {هندسة}
to arc (v.) , [ arced / arcked ; arced / arcked ] , {Geom.}
قوس {هندسة}
arc (n.) , [pl. arcs] , {Geom.}
قوس {هندسة}
arc (n.) , [pl. arcs]
to arc (v.) , [ arced / arcked ; arced / arcked ]
to arc (v.) , [ arced / arcked ; arced / arcked ]
to arc (v.) , {shapes}
to arc (v.) , [ arced / arcked ; arced / arcked ]
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القوس {رياضيات}
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