related Results
to rend (v.)
هتك {السّتْرَ إلخ}
to rip (v.) , {apart}
هتك {السّتْرَ إلخ}
to unmask (v.)
to disclose or uncover the faults of (v.) , {offenses, sins, etc.}
to expose (v.) , {of a corruption}, [ exposed ; exposed ]
هتك {سِتْرَهُ}
to tear (v.)
هتك {السّتْرَ إلخ}
to show up (v.)
to disgrace (v.)
to disclose (v.)
to reveal (v.)
to divulge (v.)
to uncover (v.)
exposure (n.) , [pl. exposures]
disclosure (n.) , [pl. disclosures]
to scandalize (v.) , [ scandalized ; scandalized ]
to unveil (v.) , [ unveiled ; unveiled ]
هتك {سِتْرَهُ}
to shame (v.)
to compromise (v.) , {feelings & emotions}