cf. {confer}, {med.}
related Results
to oppose (v.) , {with}
to contrast (v.) , {with}
قارن {بِـ, بَيْنَ}
to associate (v.) , [ associated ; associated ]
to compare (v.) , {two things in order to determine which deserves preference}, [ compared ; compared ]
قارن {بِـ, بَيْنَ}
to unite (v.) , [ united ; united ]
to collate (v.) , {with}, [ collated ; collated ]
قارن {بِـ, بَيْنَ}
coupling condenser {Elec. Eng.}
مكثف قارن {هندسة كهربائية}
coupling transformer {Elec. Eng.}
محول قارن {هندسة كهربائية}
vario-coupler {comm.}
قارن متغير {اتصالات}
directional coupler {Elec. Eng.}
قارن اتجاهي {هندسة كهربائية}
coupling coil {comm.}
ملف قارن {اتصالات}
coupling inductor {Elec. Eng.}
ملف محاثة قارن {هندسة كهربائية}
sing. {singulorum}, {med.}
DDT {dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane}, {med.}
مختصر د د ت {مُبيد للحشرات}، {طب}
ana {aa}, {med.}
مختصر من كلٍّ {أدوية}، {طب}
atm. {atmosphere}, {med.}