undertone (n.) , [pl. undertones]
related Results
hushed (adj.) , [ more hushed ; most hushed ]
dim (adj.) , [ dimmer ; dimmest ]
low (adj.) , [ lower ; lowest]
soft (adj.) , [ softer ; softest]
hazy (adj.) , [ hazier ; haziest ]
inaudible (adj.) , {sounds}, [ more inaudible ; most inaudible ]
inaudible (adj.) , [ more inaudible ; most inaudible]
unhearable (adj.) , [ more unhearable ; most unhearable]
muffler {Eng.}
خافت الصوت {هندسة}
to chequer (v.) , {colours}
brunet (adj.) , {colours}
dark (adj.) , {colours}
to tint (v.) , [pl. tints] , {colours}
to tinge (v.) , [pl. tinges] , {colours}
blue-black (adj.) , {colours}
coaly (adj.)
colorant (n.) , {colours}