lamellar bone {lamellated bone}, {med.}
related Results
lamellar sheath {perineurium}, {med.}
الغِمْدُ الصُّفاحِيّ {ظِهارَةُ الحُزْمَةِ العَصَبِيَّة}، {طب}
os in os {med.}
عَظْمٌ داخِلَ العَظْم {في الصُّورَةِ الشُّعاعِيَّة}، {طب}
to prize (v.)
to value (v.) , {feelings & emotions}
to admire (v.) , {feelings & emotions}
to extol (v.)
to enlarge (v.)
to magnify (v.)
to make great (v.) , {er or big}
to venerate (v.) , [ venerated ; venerated ] , {relig.}
عظم {دين}
to glorify (v.) , [ glorified ; glorified ]
to enthrone (v.) , [ enthroned ; enthroned ]