No exact translation found for
عَامِل طَبْع الْأَوْرَاق

related Results
leafy (adj.) , [ leafier ; leafiest]
folia {sing.folium}, Pl., {med.}
أَوراق {ف:وَرَقَة}، {طب}
leaves (n.) , [sing. a leaf]
mettle (n.)
grain (n.) , [pl. grains]
dander (n.)
nature (n.) , [pl. natures]
to print (v.) , [pl. prints]
طبع {الكِتابَ إلخ}
to engrave (v.) , [ engraved ; engraved ]
mold (n.) , [pl. molds]
impression (n.) , [pl. impressions]
طبع {أسنان}
to inculcate (v.) , [ inculcated ; inculcated ]
to naturalize (v.) , [ naturalized ; naturalized ]
to normalize (v.) , [ normalized ; normalized ]
to edit (v.) , {educ.}
طَبَعَ {الكِتابَ إلخ}، {تعليم}
character (n.) , [pl. characters]
printing (n.) , {jorn.}
طبع {الكُتُبِ إلخ}، {صحافة}
to make (v.)
طبع {على}
to publish (v.) , [ published ; published ]
to create (v.)
طبع {على}
to work (v.)
طبع {على}
temper (n.) , [pl. tempers] , {met.}
طبع {المعادن}
impress {ing}
to work off (v.)
to frame (v.)
طبع {على}