compurgator (n.) , [pl. compurgators]
related Results
text (n.) , [pl. texts]
attester (n.) , [pl. attesters]
to view (v.)
to go to (v.)
to behold (v.) , [ beheld ; beheld / beholden ]
watcher (n.) , [pl. watchers]
to watch (v.)
proof (n.) , [pl. proofs]
to witness (v.) , [ witnessed ; witnessed ]
forefinger (n.) , [pl. forefingers]
example (n.) , [pl. examples]
to sight (v.)
to attend (v.)
to teleview (v.)
controlled {med.}
to see (v.) , [ saw ; seen ]
control {med.}
blank {med.}
شاهِد {مادة غير فعالة للمقارنة في المعايرات المختبرية}، {طب}
testifier (n.) , [pl. testifiers]