inner product {math.}
الضرب الداخلي {رياضيات}
related Results
to blend (v.) , {with}
ضرب {الشّيْءَ بِالشّيْءِ}
to mingle (v.) , {with}
ضرب {الشّيْءَ بِالشّيْءِ}
to mix (v.) , {with}
ضرب {الشّيْءَ بِالشّيْءِ}
to whip (v.)
to lambaste (v.) , [ lambasted ; lambasted ]
to multiply (v.) , [ multiplied ; multiplied ]
to ram (v.)
to forge (v.)
to thresh (v.) , [ threshed ; threshed ]
to sew (v.) , [ sewed ; sewn / sewed ]
to pommel (v.) , [ pommelled / pommeled ; pommelled / pommeled {Am.} ]
to stitch (v.)
to chastise (v.) , [ chastised ; chastised ]
to bob (v.) , [ bobbed ; bobbed ]
to trip (v.)
ضرب {في الأَرْض}
to whop (v.) , [ whopped ; whopped ]
variety {biol.}
ضرب [ج. ضروب] ، {في تصنيف الأحياء}، {أحياء}