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يشعر بالعطش

relevante Treffer
feel {Med}
to thirst (v.) , [ thirsted ; thirsted ]
eudipsia {Med}
عَطَش {طب}
dipsia {Med}
عَطَش {طب}
dipsesis {Med}
عَطَش {طب}
to be thirsty (v.)
to be thirst (v.)
thirst {feelings & emotions}
to parch (v.) , [ parched ; parched ]
thirst (n.) , [pl. thirsts]
thirsty (adj.)
antidipsetic {Med}
مُضادُّ العَطَش {أدوية}، {طب}
twilight thirst {subliminal thirst}, {Med}
عَطَشٌ غَلَسِيِّ {عطش تَحْتَ العَتَبَة الحَدِّيَّة}، {طب}
hydrodipsomania {psychogenic polydipsia}, {Med}
هَوَسُ العَطَش {عُطاشٌ نَفْسِيّ}، {طب}