to cauterize (v.) , [ cauterized ; cauterized ]
relevante Treffer
to process (v.)
to consider (v.)
to discuss (v.)
to tackle (v.)
عالج {مسألة أو مشكلة}
to handle (v.)
to remedy (v.) , {Med}
عالج {طب}
to take up (v.)
to go into (v.)
to approach (v.)
to vet (v.) , {Med}
to deal (v.)
to study (v.)
to doctor (v.) , [ doctored ; doctored ]
to explore (v.)
to medicate (v.) , [ medicated ; medicated ] , {Med}
عالج {طب}
to manipulate (v.) , [ manipulated ; manipulated ]
عالج {باليد أو بأداة ميكانيكية}
to survey (v.)
to cure (v.) , [ cured ; cured ]
to manhandle (v.) , [ manhandled ; manhandled ] , {Med}
عالج {طب}
to examine (v.)
to review (v.)
to treat (v.) , [ treated ; treated ] , {Med}
عالج {طب}
to work (v.)