Keine exakte Übersetzung gefunden für
خمد النار

relevante Treffer
to grow dull (v.)
to repose (v.) , {relations}
to nestle (v.) , {relations}
to smoulder (v.) , {relations}
to smolder (v.) , {relations}
sink (n.) , {relations}
to fade (v.)
to dim (v.)
to let up (v.)
to snug (v.) , {relations}
to dice (v.)
to subside (v.) , [ subsided ; subsided ]
to die (v.) , {relations}
to die down (v.)
to abate (v.) , {relations}, [ abated ; abated ]
to die away (v.)
to rest (v.) , {relations}
to tarnish (v.) , {colours}
to deactivate (v.) , {Chemie}
خمد {كمياء}
to cool off (v.)
to go out (v.)
to calm down (v.)
to cool down (v.)
to be still (v.)
to snub (v.)
to remit (v.)