profile (n.) , [pl. profiles]
relevante Treffer
sidewinder (n.) , [pl. sidewinders]
sideshows (n.) , [sing. sideshow]
sidelines (n.) , [sing. a sideline]
sidelights (n.) , [sing. sidelight]
sideboards (n.) , [sing. a sideboard]
sideboard (n.) , [pl. sideboards]
sidebands (n.) , [sing. a sideband]
side-issue (n.) , [pl. side issues]
profile (n.) , [pl. profiles]
cartwheel (n.) , [pl. cartwheels]
sidecar (n.) , [pl. sidecars]
turnoff (n.) , [pl. turnoffs]
to profile (v.) , [ profiled ; profiled ]
to sidestep (v.) , [ sidestepped ; sidestepped ]
lateral movement {Bildung}
profile turning {machin.}
lateralistion (n.) , {Bildung}
cam profile {Auto.}
side circuit {Elec. Eng.}
دائرة جانبية {هندسة كهربائية}
counterfort {Civ. Eng.}