نتائج ذات صلة
scanty (adj.) , [ scantier ; scantiest ]
scant (adj.) , [ scanter ; scantest ]
amiss (adj.) , [ more amiss ; most amiss]
insufficient (adj.) , [ more insufficient ; most insufficient ]
minus {-}
ناقص {كَذَا}
missing (adj.)
abortive (adj.) , [ more abortive ; most abortive ]
defective (adj.) , [ more defective ; most defective ]
deficient (adj.) , [ more deficient ; most deficient ]
inchoate (adj.) , [ more inchoate ; most inchoate]
sketchy (adj.) , [ sketchier ; sketchiest ]
to offered (v.) , {econ.}
ناقَصَ {اقتصاد}
to bid (v.) , {econ.}
ناقَصَ {اقتصاد}
to underbid (v.) , {econ.}
ناقَصَ {اقتصاد}
to tendered (v.) , {econ.}
ناقَصَ {اقتصاد}
penumbra (n.) , [pl. penumbras]
wanting (adj.) , [ more wanting ; most wanting ]
ناقص {كَذَا}
wanted (adj.) , [ more wanted ; most wanted ]
void (adj.)
vicious (adj.) , [ more vicious ; most vicious ]
unfinished (adj.) , [ more unfinished ; most unfinished ]