to atone (v.) , [ atoned ; atoned ]
نتائج ذات صلة
setoff (n.) , {law}
عِوَض {قانون}
to indemnify (v.) , [ indemnified ; indemnified ]
to satisfy (v.) , [ satisfied ; satisfied ]
to countervail (v.) , [ countervailed ; countervailed ]
to recover (v.) , [ recovered ; recovered ]
to repair (v.)
عوض {عن}
to mend (v.)
to restore (v.) , {to good condition}
to correct (v.)
to right (v.)
to adjust (v.)
to remedy (v.)
to redress (v.)
to make good (v.)
to atone (v.) , [ atoned ; atoned ]
to recuperate (v.) , [ recuperated ; recuperated ]
substitute (n.) , [pl. substitutes]