نتائج ذات صلة
to opine (v.)
to ponder (v.) , {feelings & emotions}
to wene (v.)
to reason (v.) , {phil.}
to speculate (v.) , {on}
to bethink (v.) , [ bethought ; bethought ]
to entertain (v.) , [ entertained ; entertained ]
idea (n.) , [pl. ideas]
to contemplate (v.) , [ contemplated ; contemplated ]
mind (n.) , [pl. minds]
to mull (v.)
to muse (v.) , {on or over}, [ mused ; mused ]
فكر {في}
rationale (n.) , [pl. rationales]
to consider (v.) , {carefully}, [ considered ; considered ]
فكر {في}
freethinker (n.) , [pl. freethinkers]
to cerebrate (v.) , [ cerebrated ; cerebrated ]
فكر {في}
to cogitate (v.) , {on}, [ cogitated ; cogitated ]
فكر {في}
to meditate (v.) , {on}