molasses {chem.}
دبس السكر {كمياء}
نتائج ذات صلة
treacle (n.) , {molasses}, {nutr.}
دبس {تغذيه}
molasses (n.) , {nutr.}
دبس {تغذيه}
to staple (v.)
دبس {شبك بدبوس مزدوج السن}
drunken (adj.)
to clog (v.)
to souse (v.)
to inebriate (v.)
glykemia {glycemia}, {med.}
anti-alcohol (adj.) , {med.}
ضِدّ السُّكَّر {صِفَة}، {طب}
bust (n.)
to bar (v.)
drunk (adj.) , [ drunker ; drunkest]
to sweeten (v.) , [ sweetened ; sweetened ]
to conserve (v.) , [ conserved ; conserved ]
to candy (v.) , [ candied ; candied ] , {nutr.}
سكر {تغذيه}
sucre {med.}
to be drunk or intoxicated (v.) , {become, get}
سكر {مِنَ الشّرَاب}
intoxation {med.}
سُكْر {طب}
to sugar (v.) , {nutr.}
سُكَّر {تغذيه}
to saccharify (v.) , {chem.}
سَكَّرَ {كمياء}
rapt (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}