to deforest (v.) , [ deforested ; deforested ]
نتائج ذات صلة
timber (n.) , [pl. timbers]
arbores {med.}
colonnade (n.) , [pl. colonnades]
trees (n.) , [sing. a tree]
woody (adj.) , [ woodier ; woodiest ]
pruning (n.) , [pl. prunings]
orchard (n.) , [pl. orchards]
hedgerow (n.) , [pl. hedgerows]
hedge (n.) , [pl. hedges]
deforestation (n.) , [pl. deforestations]
woody (adj.) , [ woodier ; woodiest]
ma huang {med.}
أَشِجارُ الإفيدرا {يُسْتَخْلَصُ مِنْها الإفيدرين}، {طب}
to forest (v.) , {agr.}
to afforest (v.) , {agr.}
citrus (n.) , {bot.}
clumpy (adj.) , [ more clumpy ; most clumpy] , {bot.}
bushy (adj.) , [ bushier ; bushiest]