item allocation {econ.}
توزيع الصنف {اقتصاد}
نتائج ذات صلة
item allocation key (n.) , {comp.}
to grade (v.)
to index (v.)
to be classed (v.)
to be sorted (v.) , {out}
to be labeled (v.)
to be grouped (v.)
variety (n.) , [pl. varieties]
to tabulate (v.) , {math.}
صَنَّفَ {رياضيات}
bracket (n.) , [pl. brackets]
brand (n.) , [pl. brands]
type (n.)
to typecast (v.) , [ typecast / typecasted ; typecast / typecasted ]
to pigeonhole (v.) , [ pigeonholed ; pigeonholed ]
to label (v.) , [ labelled / labeled ; labelled / labeled {Am.} ]
to distribute (v.) , [ distributed ; distributed ]
to distinguish (v.) , [ distinguished ; distinguished ]
to compile (v.) , [ compiled ; compiled ]
to bracket (v.) , [ bracketed ; bracketed ]